Thursday, March 31, 2011

Early AM at the Allegrippis

This was the Weds morning ride out at the lake. With temps touching the twenties around 6:45am it made for a chilly cruise.

I had finished lacing up the El Mariachi's new dancing shoes and simply couldn't wait to get her out.

Here is the shot of the Armoring section that was recently completed on the Berry Patch Trail...Super dry ...however still needs some work.

The rest of the area:

Monday, March 21, 2011

mud, crud, and a whole lot of help

With 18 individuals showing up for about 4.5 hours of trail work, we had a very successful first "official" spring work day. Two cleaning and clearing crews headed out Alle-grippis Ridge and another on Red Legs, the rest of the lot headed up to the intersection of Berry Patch and one of the gravel roads the Corps. maintains.

The section had always had a mud wallow and has only become worse with so many early spring riders. In an effort to eliminate the problem spot it became a day of heavy lifting with 7-8 pick-up loads of rock moved to the site. Hundreds of shovels full of mud, and in the end a section of trail that will drain the trail.

Unfortunately did not grab any pictures of the cleaning crews who did an equally as awesome job
My apologies gang.

mud, crud, and a whole lot of help

With 18 individuals showing up for about 4.5 hours of trail work, we had a very successful first "official" spring work day. Two cleaning and clearing crews headed out Alle-grippis Ridge and another on Red Legs, the rest of the lot headed up to the intersection of Berry Patch and one of the gravel roads the Corps. maintains.

The section had always had a mud wallow and has only become worse with so many early spring riders. In an effort to eliminate the problem spot it became a day of heavy lifting with 7-8 pick-up loads of rock moved to the site. Hundreds of shovels full of mud, and in the end a section of trail that will drain the trail.

Unfortunately did not grab any pictures of the cleaning crews who did an equally as awesome job
My apologies gang.