Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bring a Light Ride at Night

Bring a Light Ride at Night.
Recently I've been getting out for a fair number of night rides both in town and at the trails. The trails are super fast and with such speed at night... downed limbs and tight turns can get hairy. I went down hard last Weds night after taking a roller with a little to much speed into some leaf's.

Not much to see but here are some recent pics of the light rides.

Monday, November 29, 2010

One if by land....

With the onset of daylight savings its been tough to get day rides in during the week.

Intersection at Berry Patch and Rays 11pm.
Grippis Rocks

Although some days are much nicer than others. This was yesterday morning at the vista on the Allegrippis Trails. After hitting the trails I wanted to check out the lake as it looked pretty much devoid of all motorized traffic, which makes for some rather surreal moments. Heres one.

I saw only three other boats on the lake....all of which where motorized and chock full of overweight hunters pursuing game by boat. Interesting manor in which to hunt, didn't seem to prove to fruitful as several hours they where returning with no beer and no deer.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

trail gnomes and fall games

This is the ode' to the leafblower.
So we get crazy looks when out on the trails with blowers, but honestly it makes the work in the spring that much easier. And with limited volunteers to call upon, spreading the workload out is a easy way to make it much more manageable.
This is why the trails look the way they do. Yeah some might say its over the top even unnecessary. And well for the most part I agree...however I think the trails ride that much better when they are clean and clear. Take a look and you be the judge.

The STHL 550 and a gallon of mixed gas will run for approximately 5.5hrs and clean 3.0 miles of trail. At that rate it really isn't that bad to clean and clear the trails.

Before Blowing

After Blowing and Cleaning

Recent Eagle Scout Corey McKay on a bench installation workday. We had 10 volunteers come out and install the benches on the Fawn Trail and the Berry Patch Trail.
Recent rock work that increased the width of the armoring at the bottom of Sidewinder trail.
It takes a mighty fleet of tools to keep the trails clean and clear, to the level they are currently maintained. With donations from riders, area businesses, and the Friends of Raystown Lake, our small club is able to maintain 32 miles of fresh-cut trail.
But I guess its all still worth it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

raystown epic

So, finally its a weekend day, when there isn't a river shuttle thats needs to be run, a work-weekend to attend to, custom bike build to wrap up, or blowdown on Eagle Trail that must absolutely be cleared! And all the races are over and festivals dont happen on Sunday's.

Having recently built up a new el-mari with some of them fancy suspension forks, and some other more fresh parts, I needed to find some trails that justified such a plush ride. After not getting out on the bike for a few days, it was time to get some mileage in.

I had talked to the Corps, some time ago about the standing of the, 30 mile long Terrace Mtn Trail, as to whether or not bikes could or should be ridden on it. The very basic maps, that I was able to turn up had indications that it might be a good trail. But then why does no one ever ride or walk on it? I needed to find out.

If you aren't familiar with the terrace mountain, its on the "other side" of the lake. The one where there is practically nothing till you the resort, directly across from the Allegrippis Trails and Seven Points. The trail apparently starts at Saxton and runs all the way to just outside Huntingdon, on Corbins Road, roughly 30 miles. On a map it looks like the perfect point to point ride.

And so I devised the raystown epic:
From Huntingdon,
Corbins Road to the Terrace Mountain Trail
Terrace Mountain Trail- Trough Creek
Terrace Mountain Trail-Tatmun Run and 994 Bridge
Cross over the lake, right on James Creek Road.
Left on Fouses Crossing
Right onto Rt. 26
Rt. 26 make a right onto States Road
States-Seven Points Road Right- up the big hill.
Left at the top onto Bakers Hollow Road.
Ride the Trail System Perimeter Loop followed by south end. Exit the trails onto 7 Pts Road. Ride Piney Ride Back to H-City! If you choose to do was painful.

I left this morning around 10:00am with some energy stuff and light maintenance kit and a camera. So, here is what I found on my attempt at the Raystown Epic.

This is starting up the Corbins Road climb which is about 2.8 miles with grades of 10%

Back Down Terrace Mountain only to go back up and over about four times. I honestly believed for a brief second that when I got to the trailhead it was going to be a easy day of riding. Later on that proved not to be the case. As I was greeted with a nice pastoral setting with a clean trail running through it.
It was smooth riding and almost to open for the first mile and a half. Than the trail goes between old logging roads straight to crazy off-camber goat trails. That traverse the mountainside. Some so steep and off camber they are simply unrideable. Lots of good hike-a-bike practice.
After a good while the blowdowns started becoming to thick to bother riding. However because the trail uses log roads it did make for some fun log rides like this one.

Thats Susquehannock down there!
Plenty of rock.
This made the ride worth it. Halfway up old Finks Road.
I finished out in Trough Creek, and proceeded to ride out to the resort and across the Entrinken Bridge.... perfect colors, not so perfect strong wind.

Bear Trap? Thats Crazy! No Fred you go in the tube.

Crazy view with awesome sky coming towards Hesston.
Than Back to the Allegrippis for a quick dose of flow. Before heading all the way back to Huntingdon. I made it back to Huntingdon, around 5:30pm.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Archery Season and Dry Trails

Archery Season Starts Tomorrow October 2nd 2010. If you are in the woods please wear bright orange! (if nothing else bright colors)

It is not unsafe to be in the woods if you are wearing the proper colors. And realistically its you'd hope they could tell the difference between a rider and a deer.

The trails and our area recieved the heavy soaking rains that everywhere else on the East Coast did. So, yes the trails dry really quick and drain tremedously well, but still we ask that even if there is a muddy section ride through it not around it. This creates a larger trail and ultimately more work down the line. Thanks for following the lines.

Otherwise I'd say that by noon today they would be fine to ride...just leaf littered and debris filled. With high winds.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

days turn like leaves

The last couple days have been quite busy on the trails. both in terms of riders and work. Couple more blowdowns cleaned. Couple more briar sections cleared.
This is the drain fix at fawn. Hopefully it'll prove itself. If not we'll have a wallow in about six weeks.

There is supposed to be three planks across the bottom. Porcupines! They only seem to be attacking the set of benches at the vista and signage from the vista back on the ridge to Red Legs. With minor damages elsewhere. No fix yet.

This could be one of the trail projects slated for the IMBA RMBA WorkWeekend October 8-10th

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Trail Conditions and Other Bits

The trails are ridin' fast. With the lack of any soaking rains recently the dust factor is high, leaving a layer of small loose debris on top of the tread. Lower tire pressures and tightly spaced knobs seem to be working the best right now.

Briars are mostly cleared from the trails with some small patches on Hydro Loop and sections of the Deer Trails. Nothing horrible just here and there.

Other Bits:
The Trail Work and Ride Weekend Scheduled for October 8th-10th is on.
Ridge Campground at Seven Points Recreation Area will serve as HQ.
Interested in attending just email at Why not?

DirtFest 2011 is on for May 20-23rd. Bring your helmet!

The Sixty is coming......

Monday, August 16, 2010

One For Doug

This is for Doug.
Great Loop.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Boxers Sixty

Most recent ride has been the aptly named boxers 60

Starting at Boxers Cafe' (410 Penn Street) with the finest of Ales, proceed out the door to the closest bike rack. After grabbing said bike, ride off down 4th Street crossing over the mighty Juniata River.

Making a right at the intersection with Rt 22. Followed by a quick left on "fast food alley" (Crooked Creek Road just after Burger King.) Than after a quick 1/2 mile stretch of road, a left at the "T" with Piney Ridge Road.

Climb the winding mile and a half to the top of the ridge. For the next several miles winding out to the lake on an endless vista. At the next "T" (9 miles out ) go left onto Seven Points Road, for another mile long climb to the top of the Allegrippis Ridge, or entrance to Seven Points Recreation Area.

Go left onto Bakers Hollow Road at the top of the hill. After climbing for another 1/4 mile, begin the descent when the turn gets tight turn right! This will take you on an unmarked grassy/ gravelly access road go into the woods, cross the wooden gate and jump onto the Stoney Trail.

Ride Stoney to the Bakers Hollow Lot and begin riding the trail system. Be sure to hit most of the trails.....generally doing a giant clockwise exterior loop followed by an interior loop. Back down Stoney....riding the south end trails in a figure eight. Back to Seven Points Road.....climb to the top enjoy a downhill, uphill, and than make a right back onto Piney Ridge Road. Crawl back to Boxers and enjoy a fine brew.

If you hit most of the trails as listed......
In all its about 35 miles of trail and 26 of road. So 60 miles. Don't break it down, don't bring a GPS, don't complain, and don't order a Budweiser. - 410 Penn Street.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

dirtFest hangover and trail gripes!

Sorry for the lack of posts or trail updates.

dirtFest was one hell of a time and its taken a while to get back to my semi-normal exsistence. Anyway now that the hoopla is over and the people and press gone. With 1100 people stopping out and exhibitors from as far as Florida and Arizona we had a huge turn-out. Be sure to check out the Dirtrag Mag write-up. Or the video of the EarthTones jammin in the BigTop......if you didn't come this year, sorry you missed such a good time.

Anyway its time for summer, so here is my rant:

The trails are flowing with riders from across the nation, as I have bumped into folks from Maryland, Georgia, Cali, and most recently Colorado. The reviews keep coming back way positive about our level of maintenance and quality of trail. So heres my advice to the complainers....If you don't like super flowly, fast, groomed single-track don't come. As if you come expecting techincal rocky stereotypical central Pa legacy trails and came to the wrong place.

For everyone who has already ridden the trails, and loved it. Thanks for coming be sure to stop back as the trails continue to develop. Or stop by rothrock outfitters and catch us in person.


Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10th

The trail system saw alot of down trees and other debris this past weekend with the windstorm.

We where able to clear about 10 blowdowns out, and left alot of the little stuff. If you are headed out to the trails feel free to kick some of the little stuff off the trails or even carry a clipper in your pack to help us out a little.

The sections that really need to be addressed:
-Tip of Hydro Loop
-Sections of Berry Patch
-the top and bottom of Red Legs
-top of Sleek Dog briars.

Hope to see you at DirtFest!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vandals on the Run

Well at first it was a joke that the porcupines were out eating the signs and running off with them. Than they started in on the benches and have nibbled away at the corners of them.

But this time the vandals are real two legged folk. About a week ago I recieved reports of signs that seemed to be missing out on the South End. After last nights work night we where out in this direction, and found a metal map and all the signs on two other posts stripped bare!

Let me say that it is all local volunteers doing the trail work and we don't have much time to dedicate to folks taking signs. So if you see any suspicious activity
Obviously let us know

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


No the trails dont just stay that way.....

Heres how

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


We've been tuning the north section to perfection!

The leaves are cleared, most of the cuts have been cleared, the cut slope is even turning to berms in sections!

This past weekend we only have five folks show for the workday, but where able to turn even the worst sections of Ridge and Berry Patch into great riding and looking groomers.

Here are some pics to give you an idea....also we finally put the cement in the holes for the benches at the vista! And who keeps backing into the posts in the parking lot, there has been three posts knocked down by drivers!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Didn't know what else to call a day of trailwork on easter.... sorry.

Seeing how this whole maintenance thing has become a religion for a few of us, it was only fitting to wake up on Easter Sunday at 7am to get out to the trails for some trailer-pulling, log clearing fun.

None other than the holiest of trail saints Frank Maguire was out teaching the his young jedi the latest blowdown removal techniques.

All of the blowdowns should finally be off the trails. Dunk was able to finish up some of the leaf litter removal of Alli and Redlegs.

More work to follow!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17th Trail News

The trails are finally 100% clear of the snow, and have been drying out from the 3" of rain we recieved of the weekend.

We were able to ride the following with reports following each trail name

Easy Loop
Buck Trail- Leafy no blowdowns
Doe Trail- Leafy no blowdowns
Fawn Trail- Not in great shape but totally rideable leaves in the grade reversals

Osprey- Great Shape just watch the briars at the top of the trail
Hydro Loop- Do not ride it! There is lots of pine trees leaning across the trail

Eagle- Several Wet Spots and two small blowdowns
Switch- Leafy in the turns
Sleek Dog- Several small blowdowns might even be a big one in there somewhere

Alle-grippis-ridge- Watch the leaves as they get deep, also some vines and I think two blowdowns.
Berry Patch- Horrible Shape numerous blowdowns and vines....rideable

I hope to get some of this addressed for the weekend....if you are around give me an email or call.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


March is here and the snow is just about off the trails!

If you are interested in sporting the NEW 2010 RMBA and Rothrock Outfitters Jersey, we have them availible at the shop. The updates on the jersey include Standing Stone Coffe Company

Boxers Cafe Also is on the Jersey

Both provide moral support on both ends of trail days and events.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

RMBA Monthly Meeting- 3/2/10

March Monthly Meeting: March 2 2010.

Tis the season for snow..... come talk about the warmer months with us...

We Have Monthly Meetings at Rothrock Outfitters 418 Penn St. in Huntingdon.
They Start at 5:00pm and are open to anyone.
If you want to become a member and support the trails we greatly appreciate it.
Just want to find out more about the trails and whats going on....just stop in.

Meetings Generally last an hour and are a loose format with plenty of time for discussion.

If you care to bring a beverage to share please do.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Allegrippis Updates:

1. Today we recieved 14" of snow and the weather shouldn't be above 30 for the next 4 days here.

2. DirtFest Registration opened Feb 1st and the event website can be reached at

3. We are looking to schedule two workdays in March so if you can come out and work for a few hours (probably one on a sat and one sun.)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

DirtFest Blog Up

The DirtFest Registration and blog is up and you can check it out at

or if that dont work

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Trail Conditions and Trail Signs

The trails are riding great (for the middle of a wet January), lots of folks out riding the trails today. The conditions are supposed to get ugly tomorrow in the afternoon, so ride early.

Think a few of the local goons will be out tomorrow, as if its above 20 degrees and theres not a foot of snow in January it's a mighty fine day for riding! Heres a pick from two weeks ago....


Please be advised that we are in the midst of getting the signage completed if you notice some of the locations ID's are missing dont have a fit....we are getting it completed.

Stay Easy,

Friday, January 22, 2010

LHOBRA Ride Sat Jan 23rd

Saturday 1-23-10 at 11:00AM
Bakers Hollow Parking Lot

Bring: Bikes
Contact: Mike Mucker

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DirtFest Is Coming

Theres been alot of discussion about Dirtfest and registration and who and for what....well check yer mailbox Feb 1st if you are DirtRag subcriber....if not just wait till the forums load up with all sorts of good tid bits about whats happening.

Just so you dont go scheduling a event during this one (all you event schedulin' types) May 21st-23rd.

Here's a teaser from last year for all the goons who missed it....

For those who made it last year, alot is different.
1. Less Political Stuff
2. More Riders
3. Primitive Camping at the Trails!!!
4. DirtRag Events throughout the course of the weekend

Other Stuff:
Live Music- PA Beer Tasting- DirtRag Festivites- IMBA Clinics and TCC- Hubcap Cycles Bike Raffle- Primitive Camping- Bourbon Drinking-

Thats all for now....Just like Ralphy found out "Read More more chocolate ovaltine."